Saturday, June 19, 2010

Swing TaskDialog 1.1 release

Today I’m announcing the immediate availability of TaskDialog library version 1.1
This release includes several requested enchacements and fixes to the reported issues. Information on issue fixes is available in the issue tracker, so I will concentrate on the enhancements.

Command Wait Interval

Command Wait Intervals were discussed in a previous post and are now a permanent feature of the library

Ability to conditionally enable/disable commands

This feature will allow adding simple validation to more complex task dialogs. It is based on the IValidationListener interface which is implemented by commands and other internal components. This simply means that they are able to react on validation events triggered by TaskDialog’s fireValidationFinished method. For example, a panel with several fields can be set as a fixed dialog component. As the field content is changing, the panel may trigger validation events based on it’s internal logic, effectively disabling the OK command if the data is invalid. Here is how such a code may look:

The new library version is available immediately. As always… Your comments and suggestions are welcome The project is available at under BSD license.